Create the program
that you see on the right. The program
will allow long text to inputted into it through a textbox. When the user clicks "Analyze", it
will do 4 things:
that you see on the right. The program
will allow long text to inputted into it through a textbox. When the user clicks "Analyze", it
will do 4 things:
- Count the total characters
- Count the words
- Count the sentences
- Count the spaces
I want each of these
counts to be calculated in their own functions. Name these functions according to what is happening inside of it.
counts to be calculated in their own functions. Name these functions according to what is happening inside of it.
You should also have
a sub who's job is to update the text boxes with the proper counts.
a sub who's job is to update the text boxes with the proper counts.
You will have to do
some googling to figure out how to do word and sentence counts. Spaces and total chars should be pretty
straight forward.
some googling to figure out how to do word and sentence counts. Spaces and total chars should be pretty
straight forward.
Public Class Form1
Public Function SentenceSetup(ByVal InputString As String) As Integer
Dim period, qm, ex As Integer
period = InputString.Split(".").Length
qm = InputString.Split("?").Length
ex = InputString.Split("!").Length
Return (period + qm + ex) / 2
End Function
Private Sub btnAnalyze_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAnalyze.Click
'Count characters
txtChar.Text = AnalyzeText.Text.Length.ToString
'Count words
Dim str As String = AnalyzeText.Text
Dim strA() As String = str.Split(" ")
Dim TChrs As Int32
Dim i As Int32
For i = strA.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
TChrs += strA(i).Length
txtWords.Text = strA.Length
'Count spaces
Dim Spaces As Integer = 0
For Each s As String In AnalyzeText.Text
If s = " " Then
Spaces += 1
End If
txtSpace.Text = Spaces
'Count Sentences
txtSentence.Text = SentenceSetup(AnalyzeText.Text)
End Sub
End Class
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