Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Methods 2.0

Grab the code below and try to arrange the code into logical groups of code.  Here are some pointers:
1. Create a single method that will be responsible for creating the place holder for each of the dice numbers.
 a. You will likely need to pass the label in as an attribute in the method call
2. Create a single method that will be responsible for adding the button and 3 stats text boxes
3. Add a method who's job is just to roll the dice.
4. Add a method who's job is to collect the stats of how many there are of each number
5. Add a method who's job is to update the stats textboxes
6. Add comments to the code blocks to explain what is going on.

 Public Class Form1
   'Declare all variables
   Dim lblDice1, lblDice2, lblDice3, lblDice4, lblDice5 As New Label
   Dim WithEvents butRoll As New Button
   Dim nYatzee, nFourOfAKind, nThreeOfAKind As New Integer
   Dim lblYatzee, lblFourOfAKind, lblThreeOfAKind As New TextBox
   Dim rnd As New Random
   Private Sub addDice(ByRef lbl As Label, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
     'Code labels for dice roll
     lbl.Text = 0
     lbl.Location = New Point(x, y)
     lbl.Font = New Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 28.0F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point)
     lbl.Height = 40
     lbl.Width = 40
   End Sub
   Private Sub addCounts(ByRef ctxt As TextBox, ByVal c As Integer, ByVal d As Integer, ByVal e As String)
     'Code for counters
     ctxt.Text = e
     ctxt.Location = New Point(c, d)
     ctxt.Width = 150
   End Sub
   Private Sub addRoll(ByRef butr As Button, ByVal s As String, ByVal t As Integer, ByVal u As Integer)
     'Button coding
     butRoll.Text = s
     butRoll.Location = New Point(t, u)
   End Sub
   Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
     'Dice rolls
     addDice(lblDice1, 10, 20)
     addDice(lblDice2, 70, 20)
     addDice(lblDice3, 130, 20)
     addDice(lblDice4, 190, 20)
     addDice(lblDice5, 250, 20)
     'Adding counters
     addCounts(lblYatzee, 20, 140, "Yatzees: 0")
     addCounts(lblFourOfAKind, 20, 180, "Four Of A Kind: 0")
     addCounts(lblThreeOfAKind, 20, 220, "Three Of A Kind: 0")
     'Add button
     addRoll(butRoll, "Roll", 100, 90)
   End Sub
   Private Sub codeDice(ByRef codelbl As Label)
     'Dice code
     codelbl.Text = rnd.Next(1, 7)
   End Sub
   Private Sub getTotal()
     'Declare variable for total
     Dim arrNumbers() As Integer = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
     For Each lbl As Label In Me.Controls.OfType(Of Label)()
       arrNumbers(lbl.Text - 1) += 1
     'Completes 3-of-a-kind, 4-of-a-king, and yahtzee!
     For Each i As Integer In arrNumbers
       If i = 5 Then
         nYatzee += 1
       ElseIf i = 4 Then
         nFourOfAKind += 1
       ElseIf i = 3 Then
         nThreeOfAKind += 1
       End If
   End Sub
   Private Sub nameLabel()
     'Displays total for 3-of-a-kind, 4-of-a-king, and yahtzee
     lblYatzee.Text = "Yatzees: " & nYatzee
     lblFourOfAKind.Text = "Four Of A Kind: " & nFourOfAKind
     lblThreeOfAKind.Text = "Three Of A Kind: " & nThreeOfAKind
   End Sub
   Private Sub RollDice() Handles butRoll.Click
     'Call dice roll to form
     'Call total to form
     'Call display to form
   End Sub
 End Class  

Practice 6: Methods

Create the program
that you see on the right. The program
will allow long text to inputted into it through a textbox. When the user clicks "Analyze", it
will do 4 things:
  1. Count the total characters
  2. Count the words
  3. Count the sentences
  1. Count the spaces

I want each of these
counts to be calculated in their own functions. Name these functions according to what is happening inside of it.

You should also have
a sub who's job is to update the text boxes with the proper counts.

You will have to do
some googling to figure out how to do word and sentence counts. Spaces and total chars should be pretty
straight forward.

 Public Class Form1
   Public Function SentenceSetup(ByVal InputString As String) As Integer
     Dim period, qm, ex As Integer
     period = InputString.Split(".").Length
     qm = InputString.Split("?").Length
     ex = InputString.Split("!").Length
     Return (period + qm + ex) / 2
   End Function
   Private Sub btnAnalyze_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAnalyze.Click
     'Count characters
     txtChar.Text = AnalyzeText.Text.Length.ToString
     'Count words
     Dim str As String = AnalyzeText.Text
     Dim strA() As String = str.Split(" ")
     Dim TChrs As Int32
     Dim i As Int32
     For i = strA.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
       TChrs += strA(i).Length
     txtWords.Text = strA.Length
     'Count spaces
     Dim Spaces As Integer = 0
     For Each s As String In AnalyzeText.Text
       If s = " " Then
         Spaces += 1
       End If
     txtSpace.Text = Spaces
     'Count Sentences
     txtSentence.Text = SentenceSetup(AnalyzeText.Text)
   End Sub
 End Class  

Arrays Assignment

1. Create a string array that
will store the days of the week. The array should fill when the form loads. Add a button (you can drag it on the
form). When the button is clicked,
loop through the array and pop up a message box for each day of the

  Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
  ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
     Dim week As New Hashtable
     Dim daysofweek As DictionaryEntry
     week.Add("1", "Sunday")
     week.Add("2", "Monday")
     week.Add("3", "Tuesday")
     week.Add("4", "Wednesday")
     week.Add("5", "Thursday")
     week.Add("6", "Friday")
     week.Add("7", "Saturday")
     For Each daysofweek In week
       MsgBox("" & daysofweek.Value)
   End Sub
 End Class  

2. Create a form with textboxes
for the following:
 - first name
 - last name
 - email.
Add labels to describe each box.
Add a button for adding the user. The add user button click event will do the following:
 - add the user information
into a hashtable
 - clear the text from the
text boxes

We want to add the information into the hashtable using three keys:
FirstName, LastName, Email.

Add First Name, Last Name, and Email buttons to the bottom of the
form. Each of these buttons is
going to fire off a message box that will show the information that was
just added in.

 Public Class Form1
   Dim adduser As New Hashtable
   Private Sub btFirst_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btFirst.Click
   End Sub
   Private Sub btnLast_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLast.Click
   End Sub
   Private Sub btnEmail_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEmail.Click
   End Sub
   Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
     adduser.Add("txtFirst", txtFirst.Text)
     adduser.Add("txtLast", txtLast.Text)
     adduser.Add("txtEmail", txtEmail.Text)
   End Sub
 End Class  

  1. Create a form that will work
    as a printer queue. This form will
    have the following inputs:
    1. Title of the
    2. Pages to be printed

submitted the click event will do the following:
  1. Add the title and pages to a
  2. Add the hashtable to a queue
    which is a class variable
  3. Clear the title and set the
    pages back to one
  4. Refresh the queue list.

Clear Current button will:
  1.  remove the next item in the queue
  2. Refresh the queue list
 Public Class Printer
   Dim jobs As New Queue
   Private Sub btnSendJob_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSendJob.Click
     Dim qlist As New Hashtable
     qlist.Add("Title", txtTitle.Text)
     qlist.Add("Pages", NumericUpDown1.Value)
     NumericUpDown1.Value = 1
     txtTitle.Text = ""
   End Sub
   Private Sub btnClear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClear.Click
     If jobs.Count > 0 Then
     End If
   End Sub
   Private Sub refreshalljobs()
     For Each hash As Hashtable In jobs
       qlist.Items.Add(hash.Item("Title") & "(" & hash.Item("Pages") & ")")
   End Sub
 End Class  

Saturday, April 30, 2011


In this example, we create two string arrays in the VB.NET language. The first array is created with an initialization statement; you use curly brackets on the right side and can specify each string element. You do not need to specify the size of the array on the left side. The second array uses the longer syntax: you must specify the capacity of the array in the Dim statement. Then, you can assign various elements into the memory you allocated.
 Sub Main()
      ' Create an array with the simple initialization syntax.
      Dim array() As String = {"dog", "cat", "fish"}
      ' Loop over the array.
      For Each value As String In array
      ' Pass array as argument.
      ' Create an array in several statements.
      ' ... Use the maximum index in the declaration.
      ' ... Begin indexing at zero.
      Dim array2(2) As String
      array2(0) = "bird"
      array2(1) = "dog"
      array2(2) = "gopher"
      ' Loop.
      For Each value As String In array2
      ' Pass as argument.
   End Sub
   Sub M(ByRef array() As String)
      ' Write length.
   End Sub

The following source code shows all important operations in a HashTable:

 Public Class Form1
   Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, 
      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
     Dim weeks As New Hashtable
     Dim day As DictionaryEntry
     weeks.Add("1", "Sun")
     weeks.Add("2", "Mon")
     weeks.Add("3", "Tue")
     weeks.Add("4", "Wed")
     weeks.Add("5", "Thu")
     weeks.Add("6", "Fri")
     weeks.Add("7", "Sat")
     'Display a single Item
     'Search an Item
     If weeks.ContainsValue("Tue") Then
       MsgBox("Not find")
     End If
     'remove an Item
     'Display all key value pairs
     For Each day In weeks
       MsgBox(day.Key " -- " day.Value)
   End Sub
 End Class
To add an object to a queue, the Enqueue method is invoked. There is only constructor for this method, with a single argument: the object to be added to the Queue. Any object can be added to an instance of the Queue class - from basic objects such as integers and strings to other classes and even other Queue classes. It is also possible to add null values using the VB.NET Nothing keyword or the System.DBNull.Value class. Each Queue can contain many different types of objects. The code below shows a variety of objects added to an instance of a Queue class:
 Dim MyQueue As New Queue(4)
 Dim MyOtherQueue As New Queue
 Dim MyNumber As Integer = 24
 Dim MyText As String = "ASP Documentation Tool"

Sunday, April 24, 2011


The following program, in which the condition in the Do loop is "num <=7", displays the numbers from 1 through 7. (After the Do loop terminates, the value of num will be 8.)

 Public Class Form1
   Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPurchase.Click
     'Display the number from 1 to 7
     Dim num As Integer = 1
     Do While num <= 7
       num += 1  'add 1 to the value of num
   End Sub
 End Class  

While loop keeps executing until the condition against which it tests remain true. The syntax of while loop looks like this:
    Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPurchase.Click
 Sub Main()
 Dim d, e As Integer
 d = 0
 e = 6
 While e > 4
 e -= 1
 d += 1
 End While
 System.Console.WriteLine("The Loop ran " & e & "times")
 End Sub
 End Class  

Monday, March 7, 2011

Practice #4 - Loops

1. Put a textbox and a button on the form. The user must enter a number and press the button. When the button is pressed, it will add that many buttons to the form.
   Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
     Dim howmany As Integer = TextBox1.Text
     Dim x As Integer = 0
     For x = 1 To howmany
       ListBox1.Items.Add(x & " item")
   End Sub
 End Class  

2. If you were to put away a certain amount of money every month, how many years would it take you to save up $10,000. Use a textbox to gather the amount that is to be put away every month.  Use a label to display the number os years it would take.
   Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
     Dim pay, months, total, goal As Integer
     Dim years As Decimal
     pay = CInt(txtPay.Text)
     goal = 10000
     For total = 1 To goal
       total += pay
       months = months + 1
       years = months / 12
       lblThree.Text = ("It will take " & years.ToString("f1") & " years to make the $10,000 goal.")
   End Sub
 End Class  

3. Write a program that creates a times table.
   You could use labels or buttons to hold the numbers. Generate these dynamically and add them to the Me.Controls collection.
   You will have to use two loops, one inside ofthe other to get this to work.
   Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
     Dim x, y As Integer 
     x = 1
     Button1.Visible = False
     For x = 1 To 10
       For y = 1 To 10
         Dim newbutton As New Button
         newbutton.Location = New Point(50 * x, 50 * y)
         newbutton.Width = 40
         newbutton.Text = x * y
   End Sub
 End Class

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Practice #3 - Form Objects

1. Create a form witha single button (use the gui for this one). When the button is hovered over, moe the button to another part of the form. The button should move back and forth between 2 points.
   Private Sub Button1_MouseEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.MouseEnter
     Dim x As New Point(10, 10)
     Dim y As New Point(50, 50)
     If Button1.Location = x Then
       Button1.Location = y
       Button1.Location = x
     End If
   End Sub
 End Class  

2. Create a form with 4 buttons and one text box (use the gui).  The botton wording should describe what it does.
a. Button 1: This button will make the textbox enabled/disabled.
b. Button 2: Turn a background color on the textbox on and off. (Toggle between white and another color)
c. Button 3: Put the text inside of the text box and take it away
d. Button 4: Change the border style of the textbox between none and fixed3D.
 Private Sub btnTxtEnDisable_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTxtEnDisable.Click
 If txtBox.Enabled = True Then
 txtBox.Enabled = False
 End If
 txtBox.Enabled = True
 End Sub
   Private Sub btnTxtBackColor_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTxtBackColor.Click
     If txtBox.BackColor = Color.Blue Then
       txtBox.BackColor = Color.White
       txtBox.BackColor = Color.Blue
     End If
   End Sub  

   Private Sub btnTxtErase_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTxtErase.Click
     If txtBox.Text = "Teeps is the man" Then
       txtBox.Text = ""
       txtBox.Text = "Teeps is the man"
     End If
   End Sub  

   Private Sub btnTxtBorderStyle_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTxtBorderStyle.Click
     If txtBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None Then
       txtBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D
       txtBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None
     End If
   End Sub
 End Class  

3. Create a form with a button (using the gui). When this button is clicked, it will create 3 labels and 3 textboxes associated with those labels.  When the textboxes are hovered over, change their background color.  When is not being hovered over, change the background color back to white.
 Public Class Form1
   Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
   End Sub
   Private Sub txtFirst_MouseEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtFirst.MouseEnter
     txtFirst.BackColor = Color.Red
   End Sub
   Private Sub txtFirst_MouseLeave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtFirst.MouseLeave
     txtFirst.BackColor = Color.White
   End Sub
   Private Sub txtSecond_MouseEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtSecond.MouseEnter
     txtSecond.BackColor = Color.Yellow
   End Sub
   Private Sub txtSecond_MouseLeave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtSecond.MouseLeave
     txtSecond.BackColor = Color.White
   End Sub
   Private Sub txtThird_MouseEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtThird.MouseEnter
     txtThird.BackColor = Color.Green
   End Sub
   Private Sub txtThird_MouseLeave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtThird.MouseLeave
     txtThird.BackColor = Color.White
   End Sub
 End Class  
4. Create a form with 3 buttons and a listbox. Load 3 items on load so that it's not empty
Button1: Select Item 1
Button 2: Select Item 2
Button 3: Select Item 3
 Public Class Form1
   Dim str1, str2, str3 As String
   Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
     str1 = "First is the worst"
     str2 = "Second is the best"
     str3 = "Third is.....?"
   End Sub
   Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
     ListBox1.SelectedIndex = 0
   End Sub
   Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
     ListBox1.SelectedIndex = 1
   End Sub
   Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
     ListBox1.SelectedIndex = 2
   End Sub
 End Class  

Friday, February 11, 2011

Practice #2 Spacely, Heat & Clothing

1. Mr. Spacely has been rethinking the company's shipping schemes. As an employee for Spacely's Sprockets, Spacely has asked you to write a quick program that will be used to determine shipping costs.A total purchase of items totaling under $50, we charge $5 shipping.A total purchase of items totaling $50 and over, there is no shipping charge.
     Dim purchase, shipping, total As Double
     shipping = 5
     purchase = CDbl(txtPurchase.Text)
     If purchase < 50 Then
       total = purchase + shipping
     ElseIf purchase >= 50 Then
       total = purchase
     End If
     MessageBox.Show("The total of the item plus shipping is " & FormatCurrency(total))
   End Sub  
2. You are looking for something to control your heat in your apartment and you discover there is NOT an app for that. It's about time that someone created one. You decide that you are the one to do it. Here's what you want to do.
-You want to turn the heat on when the temp has dropped below 72
-You also want to turn the AC on when the temp gets above 76
Your app should display in a message box if the heat is on, the AC is on, or if the system is idle. Plug in different temps for the room in a variable to see what the thermostat will do with it.
 Dim temperature As Double
 temperature = CDbl(txtTemp.Text)
 If temperature <= 72 Then
 MessageBox.Show("The heat is on.", "Heat")
 ElseIf temperature > 72 And temperature < 76 Then
 MessageBox.Show("The system is idle", "Idle System")
 ElseIf temperature >= 76 Then
 MessageBox.Show("The A/C is on.", "A/C")
 End If
 End Sub
 End Class

3. You are working on a clothing website where people can buy kids socks. It's really hard for the customers to know what size they should buy for what age. It would be a good idea for the customer to have a tool to input their child's age and have the website suggest a size for them. Write a tool where you can set the age as a variable and have it suggest on of the sizes below:
a. 0-2 years - XS
b. 3-4 years - S
c. 5-8 years - M
d. 9-12 years - L
e. 13+ years - XL
     Dim age As Double
     age = CDbl(txtpurchase.Text)
     'Calculate total 
     If age <= 2 Then
       MessageBox.Show("The child's size is XS.", "XS")
     ElseIf age >= 3 And age <= 4 Then
       MessageBox.Show("The child's size is Small", "Small")
     ElseIf age >= 5 And age <= 8 Then
       MessageBox.Show("The child's size is Medium", "Medium")
     ElseIf age >= 9 And age <= 12 Then
       MessageBox.Show("The child's size is Large", "Large")
     ElseIf age >= 13 Then
       MessageBox.Show("The child's size is X-Large.", "X-Large")
     End If
   End Sub  

Case Statements

The following prgram converts the finishing position in a horse race into a descriptive phrase.  After the variable position is assigned a value from txtPosition, VB searches for the first Case clause whose value list contains that value and executes the succeeding statement.  If the value of position is greater than 5, then the statement following Case Else is executed.
 Dim position As Integer   'selector
 position = CInt(txtPosition.Text)
 Select Case position
 Case 1
 txtOutcome.Text = "Win"
 Case 2
 txtOutcome.Text = "Place"
 Case 3
 txtOutcome.Text = "Show"
 Case 4, 5 
 txtOutcome.Text = "You almost placed in the money."
 Case Else
 txtOutcome.Text = "Out of the money."
 End Select
 End Sub

If Statements

A conditional expression is formed by relating values, either constants or variables . The comparison is evaluated as Boolean True or False, and the script reacts to that condition. The following script presents a simple example of script decision making, making one decision.
  If Args.CommandName = "Button 1" Then
   ButtonResponse.Text = "You clicked Button 1"
  End If
 End Sub
This shows an If statement of either or:
     Dim Message As String
     Message = "Skittles is an old form of bowling in which a wooden " & "disk is used to knowck down nine pins arranged in a square."
     If txtmessage.Text.ToUpper = "N" Then
       MessageBox.Show(Message, "Definition")
     End If
     txtQuote.Text = "Life ain't all beer and skittles." & " - Du Maurier (1894)"
   End Sub
 End Class  

This can make many decision depending on what it asks for, here it's honor students according to a certain GPA.
    Dim gpa As Double = CDbl(txtGpa.Text) 
    Dim honors As String 
    If gpa >= 3.9 Then 
     honors = " summa cum laude." 
    ElseIf gpa >= 3.6 Then 
     honors = " magna cum laude." 
    ElseIf gpa >= 3.3 Then 
     honors = " cum laude." 
    ElseIf gpa >= 2 Then 
     honors = "." 
    End If 
    txtResults.Text = "You graduated" & honors 
   End Sub 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Adding code to a page programmatically

To add a button to a page just by using code, we use Me.Controlls.Add(button).  The following is adding a button that says "go". 

     Dim btn As New Button
     btn.Text = "go"
     btn.Top = 45
     btn.Left = 190

This is to add a textbox to a form using code. Using dynamic text and also using Me.Controls.Add(textbox).
     Dim dynamicText As TextBox = Nothing
     dynamicText = New Windows.Forms.TextBox
     dynamicText.Name = "TimeTextBox"
     dynamicText.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(8, 8)
     dynamicText.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(232, 20)
     dynamicText.TabIndex = 0
   End Sub  

Adding a label to a form using code is pretty short.  You can set the boundaries of where the label will sit using lbl.SetBounds.
     Dim lbl As New Label
     lbl.SetBounds(10, 50, 100, 25)
     lbl.Text = "Hello World!"
   End Sub  

Here is how to add a listbox using code, also including the size and point of where the listbox is to be placed.
     Dim listBox1 As New ListBox()
     listBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(200, 100)
     listBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(10, 10)
   End Sub  

The DataGridView control can display rows of data from a data source. You can extend the DataGridView control in a number of ways to build custom behaviors into your applications. The ReadOnly property indicates whether the data displayed by the cell can be edited or not. You can set ReadOnly Property in three levels. You can make entire dataGridView as ReadOnly.
 dataGridView1.ReadOnly = true

You can make entire row as ReadOnly:
 dataGridView1.Rows(index).ReadOnly = true  

You can make entire Column as ReadOnly
 dataGridView1.Columns(index).ReadOnly = true

Monday, January 31, 2011

Word Problems #1 cont'd

4. There are 33 horses in the field. 15 horses go into the bar. Then 7 com back out. How many horses are standing in the field?

     Dim field, barn, out, total As Double
     field = 33
     barn = 15
     out = 7
     total = (field - barn) + out
     MessageBox.Show("There are " & total & " horses standing in the field.")  

5. Inglebert has 15 apples and 3 times as many oranges. How many pieces of fruit does she have?
     Dim apples, oranges, total
     apples = 15
     oranges = 3 * apples
     total = apples + oranges
     MessageBox.Show("Inglebert has " & total & " pices of fruit.")  

6. a) How many marks did Brian totally obtain in Mathematics(7) and Science(22)?
     Dim math, science, total As Double
     math = 7
     science = 22
     total = math + science
     MessageBox.Show("Brian obtained " & total & " marks in Math and Science.")  
b) How many more marks does Andrew need for a perfect score in Mathematics?
     Dim totalMath, brianMath, needMath
     totalMath = 25
     brianMath = 7
     needMath = totalMath - brianMath
     MessageBox.Show("Brian needs " & needMath & " more marks for a perfect score.")  
c) What is Andrew's percentage for all of the quizzes together?
     Dim eng, geo, math, science, andrewTotal, total As Double
     eng = 12
     geo = 19
     math = 18
     science = 7
     andrewTotal = eng + geo + math + science
     total = (eng + geo + math + science) / 100
     MessageBox.Show("Andrew's percentage is " & FormatPercent(total))